China’s Logistics Development to Southern Region : China-Laos Train


  • Chutira Rabob
  • Patchara Phochanikorn
  • Pornvisa Tharakhum
  • Apinya Kraisamrong


Logistics Development, People Republic of China, China-Laos Train


This article aimed to provide an overview of China’s logistics development to southern region by collecting and analyzing related information such as the establishment of China logistics and distribution centers in Kunming as a bridgehead and cooperated with Lao People’s Democratic Republic develop a speed train from Bo Ten China’s border to Vientiane. This resulted impact on economic development in regional countries and Thailand. Entrepreneurs must be prepared to support trade expansion in the near future.


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How to Cite

Rabob, C., Phochanikorn, P. ., Tharakhum , P. ., & Kraisamrong, A. . (2022). China’s Logistics Development to Southern Region : China-Laos Train. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 563–576. Retrieved from



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