The Development of The Distribution Channels for Samutprakarn Pla Salid (Snakeskin Guarami) Products Toward Thai Consumers Market


  • Sumet Lurdjariyaporn
  • Pattita Lurdjariyaporn
  • Sakchai Aroonratsameruang
  • Suchart Watakanont
  • Utterpol Thumpaiboon


Pla Salid (Snakeskin Guarami), Marketing mix, Marketplace alongside Sukhumvit road, Exhibition, Online platform


The purposes of research project are to study Samutprakarn pla salid (Snakeskin guarami) product’s target customers and purchasing behavior to design marketing mix strategies for distribution channel of the marketplace alongside Sukhumvit road, exhibitions and online marketing. The exploratory research is performed at marketplace alongside Sukhumvit road through in-depth interview from 16 samples of each of seller and customers. After that the descriptive research by quota random sampling 400 consumers are surveyed from 5 groups in 4 exhibitions. The method of frequency, mean, percentage and chi-square are used for data analysis. The result of the study finds that the selling point is the renown of Samutprakarn Pla Salid and low pricing perception. The main customers consist of women aged 30-40 and 25-30 years old, the income per month is 10,000- 40,000 Baht. The reasons to buy are because of family suggestion as souvenirs and favorite food. The flagship product is middle size single-sunny-pla salid product sold between 150-250 baht per kilogram. The requirements are salty, non-oily, clean, fresh and sellers’ brand printed on zip-lock plastic bag. The interested promotions are discounts by 5-20 baht per kilogram. Online platform is Facebook, Line and website with Kerry and Grab food delivery.


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How to Cite

Lurdjariyaporn, S. ., Lurdjariyaporn, P. ., Aroonratsameruang, S., Watakanont, S. ., & Thumpaiboon, U. . (2022). The Development of The Distribution Channels for Samutprakarn Pla Salid (Snakeskin Guarami) Products Toward Thai Consumers Market. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 494–513. retrieved from



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