The Potential of Enhancing Snakeskin Gourami Fish Production by Knowledge Transfer through Bang Bo Gourami Fish Conservation and Processing Agriculture, Samut Prakan Province


  • Wichuta Youyong
  • Kantigamaht Rattanaparinyanukool Rattanaparinyanukool
  • Banjertsak Sanhapuckdee
  • Marisa Intharakoed


Knowledge Transfer, Bang Bo Gourami Fish, Potential of Enhancing, Snakeskin Gourami Fish Production, Artificial Breeding, Community Enterprise


The objectives of this research were 1) to increase revenue, ROI 5-10% for Bang Bo Agricultural Cooperative Community Enterprise in Samut Prakan Province 2) to strengthen that enable community enterprises. This study employed statistics to explain the purposive of sampling. The analysis of the cost-revenue, productivity ROI and SROI were analysed in data synthesis through group and in-depth interviews. The results of the study were discussed as follows: Issue 1 generating income for community enterprises. The results of the study found that 1) to promote the request for pond standards; 12 farmers who raised SL and 1 GAP 2) to promote increasing in the productivity of fry with artificial breeding technology. The costs' reduction results from the total cost of buying fish by 50,000 baht and 3) financial planning with farm notes which 6 farmers participated in taking notes. Issue 2: to strengthen the community enterprises can survive found that a new group was formed the Charan Salidhom enterprises. There are a total of 14 members and to expand 3 new members. Inconclusion the results of the research, it was found that the ROI of 2 farmers received ROI increase of 212% and 100%, and the SROI of 0.82.


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How to Cite

Youyong, W., Rattanaparinyanukool, K. R., Sanhapuckdee, B., & Intharakoed, M. (2022). The Potential of Enhancing Snakeskin Gourami Fish Production by Knowledge Transfer through Bang Bo Gourami Fish Conservation and Processing Agriculture, Samut Prakan Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 514–532. Retrieved from



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