BCG Model and Sustainable Development for Community Enterprises: A Case Study of Sustainable Safety Rice Farmers Community Enterprise, Mae Chan District, Chiang Rai Province


  • Kasidit Chaiphawang Faculty of Management Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Green Economy Development Model, Sustainability, Rice planting, Community Enterprise, BCG Model


This article was written from the result of the research “Sustainable Development Model for Community Enterprises: A Case Study of Sustainable Safety Rice Farmers Community Enterprise, Mae Chan District, Chiang Rai Province” which aimed to study the implementation of green development model or BCG model and the result of sustainability on their rice planting and to find the relationship between them. The data was collected from all group members by using a semi-structured interview and the questionnaires. It found that:

The Farmers implemented the Green Economy Development Model or BCG model in their rice planting at a high level. The green economy activities implementation had the highest average performance, followed by circular economy activities and green economic activities, which resulted in the sustainability of the community enterprise group in general at a high level as well in which economic sustainability had the highest mean, followed by environmental sustainability and social sustainability. The implementation of the Green Economic Development Model (BCG) and the sustainability of the farmer community was a statistically significant correlation at the 0.01 level with a correlation value of 0.590


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How to Cite

Chaiphawang, K. (2024). BCG Model and Sustainable Development for Community Enterprises: A Case Study of Sustainable Safety Rice Farmers Community Enterprise, Mae Chan District, Chiang Rai Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(1), 27–46. retrieved from



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