The Expanding Market Opportunities of the Pickled Fish Product Ban-Thanon khong Community, Chai Badan District, Lopburi Province into the Digital Market.


  • Kusuma Palaprom
  • Kritchakhris Nawattanaprasert


Pickled Fish Products, Digital Market, Competitive Strategy


The objective of this research are to study: 1) operational conditions of the production of pickled fish products of ban-thanonkhong community, 2) the developing management process (Balanced Scorecard: BSC) 4 perspectives pickled fish products of ban-thanonkhong community, 3) the expanding market opportunities of the pickled fish product ban-thanonkhong community into the digital market, it is participatory action research (PAR), in conjunction with quantitative and qualitative research methods. The results that process improvement and packaging of the pickled fish product that can extend the preservation period from 2-5 days to 4-17 days. Digital marketing, manufacturer or entrepreneur pickled fish producer, ban-thanonkhong community, can use digital media to benefit in increasing distribution channels and sales to 100–120 kilogram per day or an increasing 60 percent. However producers or entrepreneurs has established a competitive strategy by equilibrium management techniques (Balanced Scorecard) 4 sides including; financial perspective, customer perspective, internal process perspective, learning and growth perspective, consequently, consumers are aware of good digital marketing channels and pickled fish product, ban-thanonkhong community, able to compete effectively both regionally and nationally sustainable.


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How to Cite

Palaprom , K. ., & Nawattanaprasert, K. . (2022). The Expanding Market Opportunities of the Pickled Fish Product Ban-Thanon khong Community, Chai Badan District, Lopburi Province into the Digital Market. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 311–329. Retrieved from



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