Factors Impacting on Satisfaction and Word-of-Mouth of DanceSport Club in Chengdu


  • Yan Wang
  • Somsit DuangeKanong


Perceived Value, Image, Satisfaction, Word-of-Mouth, DanceSport Club


This study investigates the impact of perceived value, brand trust, brand identification, image, and perceived usefulness on satisfaction, and satisfaction on word-of-mouth of DanceSport clubs in Chengdu. Quantitative analysis and multi-stage samplings are applied to analyze data collection of 500 samples. Probability and non-probability sample methods were used to reach target respondents of parents of the selected DanceSport clubs’ registered members aged 4 to 14 years old. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation model (SEM) were used for model fitting, reliability and validity analysis. The results indicate that word-of-mouth is driven by satisfaction, and the satisfaction is impacted perceived value, image, brand identification, and brand trust, respectively. Perceived usefulness has no significant impact on satisfaction, as well as brand identification that does not have a direct impact on word-of-mouth. Therefore, club’s owners and marketing practitioners are suggested to prioritize their marketing and operation management strategies in building and enhancing customer satisfaction through creation of value, reputation, and engagement.


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