Focus and Scope

            The BU Academic Review is an academic journal operated by Bangkok University, and has been publishing articles incessantly since 2002. The Journal is currently ranked in the secound group (Group 2) of the Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI), and in the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI). The scope extends to cover the publication of conceptual and research papers in social science, humanities, or related interdisciplinary fields as following: 

  • - Accounting
  • - General Business
  • - Management
  • - Marketing
  • - Strategy and Management
  • - Tourism
  • - Leisure and Hospitality Management
  • - Communication
  • - Law
  • - Sociology

           The journal welcomes the conceptual and research papers produced by faculty members, students, and interested public. The conceptual paper to be published in the Journal has to introduce innovative concepts or body of knowledge, test on existing theory generated from proper and up-to-date literature review, and propose the emerging conceptual model that may lead to further studies in related areas. The research paper has to be developed from a logical rationale and problem statement, a thorough literature review, a systematic research method, a complete presentation of findings, and a synthesis discussion of research findings.


Review Process

            The submitted paper must not be published previously elsewhere, and the theme of which must abide with the objectives stipulated in the Journal. The submitted paper will pass through the evaluation process conducted by the editorial board and a minimum of two external readers in the related field. The review process is as following:

  1. 1. When the author receives an e-mail from the editorial office to acknowledge his/her submission of article, the submission process is hence deemed complete.
  2. 2. The editorial board will see whether the topic and theme of the article are appropriate and congruent with the stipulated objectives and format of the Journal. Plagiarism and benefits relating to theory and business contribution will also be investigated. The submitted paper may be returned to the author for preliminary revising or, if the aforesaid criteria are not met, rejected.
  3. 3. In case the said article is forwarded to the selected readers for quality evaluation, the editorial office will notify the author to pay as the administration fee.
    Student rate (Bangkok University students and others): 3,000 baht per article
    General public rate (Non-BU Staff): 4,000 baht per article
    * The said fee is not refundable in all cases.
  4. 4. At least three readers in the related fields will evaluate the quality of submitted article for publication. The evaluation process is absolutely double-blind peer review.
  5. 5. The editorial board will make decision for article publication based on the external readers’ evaluation. The said decision is either accepting the article for publication, rejecting it, or resending it back to the author for further elaborating revision.
  6. 6. The editorial board will notify the author once the submitted paper gets approval for publication.
  7. 7. In case the article was produced from a study or an experiment involving human subjects that might harm their dignity, rights, safety, or well-being, the author shall attach an IRB submission form to acquire the editor’s final approval for publication.

Note: The review process may last for a minimum of 4-5 months depending on the article quality and revision process.


Publication Frequency

BU Academic Review is a bi-annually journal and accepts conceptual and research papers written in Thai or English. The publication schedule is as followings: (E-Journal)

First issue:        January – June

Second issue:   July - December


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



Sources of Support



Journal History of BU ACADEMIC REVIEW

            The BU Academic Review is an academic journal operated by Bangkok University, have been publishing articles incessantly since 2002, and currently ranked in the secound group (Group 2) of the Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI). The scope extends to cover the publication of conceptual papers in social science, humanities, and related interdisciplinary fields, produced by faculty members, students, and interested public. The paper to be published in the Journal has to introduce innovative concepts or body of knowledge, test on existing theory generated from proper and up-to-date literature review, and propose the emerging conceptual model, methodology and research design which eventually lead to the new body of knowledge for the betterment of the academe and the society.