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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Preparation of Manuscripts

Research paper 

  1. 1. The manuscript must be an original one, with no prior acceptance for publication in other journals. In case its contents implicating to any organization, a written approval must be secured from the said organization.
  2. 2. The manuscript may be written in Thai or English, with 10-15 pages long (references included)
  3. 3. The title must be concise and cover the overall theme, and prepared in both Thai and English.
  4. 4. Every author’s information in both Thai and English is needed:

         (1) name and family name put in the center directly under the title, and

         (2) E-mail and office name put in the footnote of the first page.

  1. 5. The abstract must contain the main elements of the article, and be prepared in both Thai and English with no longer than 10 lines. The Thai article must present the Thai abstract first and followed by the English one, and vice versa for the English article.
  2. 6. Keywords must be provided below the abstract, and not be more than 5 words.
  3. 7. The content must be prepared in the one-column format with the following elements:

7.1  A research paper should include

- Introduction: stating the rationale & problem statements, together with related references

- Objectives of study

- Review of related literature

- Methodology

- Instruments: components and test of validity and/or reliability

- Data collection: when, where, and how data were collected

- Data analysis

- Research findings: may be presented together with, or separate from, the discussion. The findings should be written in a clear and concise format, with necessary tables, graphs, and/or figures included, as well as relevant descriptions provided in Thai or English depending on the manuscript content.  The discussion may present an implication of study in relating to the reviewed theories and previous research. Recommendation for future research must also be provided.

- Suggestion

- References ***see the link below***

Conceptual Paper

  1. 1. The manuscript must be an original one, with no prior acceptance for publication in other journals. In case its contents implicating to any organization, a written approval must be secured from the said organization.
  2. 2. The manuscript may be written in Thai or English, with 10-15 pages long (references included)
  3. 3. The title must be concise and cover the overall theme, and prepared in both Thai and English.
  4. 4. Every author’s information in both Thai and English is needed:

       (1) name and family name put in the center directly under the title, and

       (2) E-mail and office name put in the footnote of the first page.

  1. 5. The abstract must contain the main elements of the article, and be prepared in both Thai and English with no longer than 10 lines. The Thai article must present the Thai abstract first and followed by the English one, and vice versa for the English article.
  2. 6. Keywords must be provided below the abstract, and not be more than 5 words.
  3. 7. The content must be prepared in the one-column format with the following elements:

7.1 A conceptual paper should include

- Introduction: stating the rationale, objectives, and scope.

- Main contents

- Presentation of author’s opinion in the form of analysis, criticism, and review of the main contents.  The author’s creativity must also be included in congruence with the theme and content of the paper.

- Conclusion of the main contents, including remarks or suggestions, if any.

- References ***see the link below***

Article Format

Research Paper

Conceptual Paper

Title in Thai and English

Title in Thai and English

Author’s Name and Family name in Thai and English

Author’s email and office name, in Thai and English, presented as a footnote in the front page.

Author’s Name and Family name in Thai and English

Author’s email and office name, in Thai and English, presented as a footnote in the front page.

Abstract (Thai & English)

Abstract (Thai & English)

Keywords (Thai & English)

Keywords (Thai & English)


-  Introduction: Rationale and Significance of study

- Literature Review         

-  Research Objective

-  Research Methods

-  Tools and tests of tool

-  Data analysis 

     Results and Discussion: may be presented

     together or separate from one another. The

     findings should be written in a clear and

     concise format, with necessary tables,

     graphs, and/or figures included, as well as

     relevant descriptions provided in Thai or

     English depending on the manuscript

     content. The discussion may present

     implication of study in relating to the

     reviewed theories and previous  

     research. Recommendation for future

     research must also be provided.

- Conclusion

-  Suggestion


- Introduction: stating the rationale,

  objectives, and scope

- Main contents

- Presentation of author’s opinion in the

  form of analysis, criticism, and review of

  the main contents.  The author’s

  creativity must also be included in

  congruence with the theme and content

  of the paper.

 - Conclusion of the main contents,

   including remarks or suggestions, if any.                 




Note*** (see details and example in “Reference writing”)

  1. 8. Credits of figures and tables must be properly provided to prevent from patent

violation, in which the journal will bear no responsibility. The in-text citations and references must be provided in accordance with the APA style (http://buacademicreview.bu.ac.th/reference.html.) All citations in the references must be prepared in English, with the Romanic transformation of Thai citations plus translation in English.

  1. 9. The academic terminology must be presented as following:

1) An English term used commonly in Thai has to be written in

   with what stated in the latest version of Royal Institute Dictionary with no

   English word provided in a parenthesis, e.g. อินเทอร์เน็ต, ออนไลน์

2) An English term not commonly used in Thai must be presented in Thai

    Word followed by the parenthesized English word and/or an abbreviation

    (if any). Examples include เครื่องรับรู้ชีวภาพ (biosensor) ทฤษฎีพฤติกรรมตามแผน

    (Theory of Planned Behavior: TPB) การเรียนรู้โดยใช้สมองเป็นฐาน (Brain Based

    Learning: BBL)

3) The parenthesized English word should be provided only one time, written

    in small letter cases except for the abbreviation or technical terms.

4) An abbreviation must come with its full terminology first. For example, the

    term “The Theory of Planned Behavior or TPB” must come first so that

    only “TPB” would be used instead throughout the manuscript.

  1. 10. The manuscript can be submitted online at http://buacademicreview.bu.ac.th.  The editorial board will conduct a preliminary evaluation of the manuscript before forwarding it to a minimum of 3 readers for further evaluation of its quality and appropriateness.  The author has to improve or correct his/her manuscript as per the readers’ comments.  The submitted paper must secure the approvals from both the readers and the editorial board before being accepted for publication.

Guidelines citation

Formats of in-text and bibliography citations 

Thai-to-English Translation of Bibliography  


Effective onwards starting from the January-June (2013) edition of BU Academic Review (Volume 14, Issue 1)