Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Environmental Management Information Systems in Business Firms of Northern Thailand

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Kittinoot Chulikavit
Ratchaneeya Bangmek


The main purpose of this research study is to examine factors affecting the acceptance and adoption of environmental management information systems in business organizations. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was employed in this preliminary survey study. Its data were collected using questionnaires distributed to industrial companies in 6 provinces within the northern region of Thailand, then were examined for convergent validity and unidimensionality from 175 complete questionnaires through factor analysis, and were confirmed for internal consistency reliability by means of Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. After analyzing the relationship among factors using binary logistic regression, it was found that only one factor, namely “Social Influence,”significantly related to adoption of the systems in the organizations at the statistical level of 0.05.

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