Legal Problem Concerning the Management of Sea Shore Erosion

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อุดมศักดิ์ สินธิพงษ์


This research has focused on legal problems concerning sea shore erosion, which result in new-coming solutions. In doing so, Thai legislations have been studied and evaluated, in conjunction with those of other jurisdictions, which are USA, UK and the Netherland law. This research proposes the enactment of policy law as a pertinent framework to design national policies on coastal management. The law should contain substantive visions in dealing with the problems, especially coastal management compatible with coastal dynamism employing engineering techniques. It should also include monitoring coastal activities, Moreover, institutions and mechanisms for coastal management activities should also be established. Last but not least, public participation should be directly and indirectly full-fledged. Enactment of regulations is highly required to endow public participation and opinion expression among sectors, communities and stakeholders to participate in and express opinions.

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