The Model of Corporate Social Responsibility Influencing Brand Equity of Mobile Phone Service Providers in Thailand
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The study involves a questionnaire based survey of 630 customers of mobile phone service providers in Thailand, aged between 21-60 years old. The instrument validity was conducted using IOC (Index of Item-Objective Congruence) and reliability found with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0971. These were subjected to path analysis, structural equation and modeling (SEM) analysis. Descriptive statistics used to analyze frequency were distribution, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. The research findings are as follows; 1) This business had a high level of CSR, IMC, and corporate and brand equity; 2) This procedure permitted an assessment of the integrity measures as well as an evaluation of the degree to which the observed relations among variables fitted the hypothesized network of casual relationships; 3) The hypothesized test revealed IMC has no casual direct effect on brand equity, and CSR had casual effect relationships on IMC and corporate in business; and 4)The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was performed using the maximum likelihood method to test the hypotheses. This model can be accepted theoretically due to R2= 84% which had value of 40 percent or more.
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