The use of mind mapping in teaching French relative pronoun

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นิธิ ศีลวัตกุล
วาทินี ลิ้มโภคา
อรนิดา วีรบุตร


This research aims to: 1) Compare the grammatical learning achievement of relative pronoun of university level students comprising the experimental group using the B1 level French Book, before and after the lesson. Such will be accomplished by summarizing the lesson with the Mind Mapping comparing this with the grammar study achievement of relative pronoun of the control group who summarized the lesson by taking notes. 2) Study the satisfaction of students in the experimental group using the Mind Mapping. The samples used in this study were 46 university students using the B1 level French Book, divided into two groups of 23 students: experimental group and control group. The pre-test results showed no differences between these two groups of student  (-1.61). The tools of this study were as follows: test before and after learning and the satisfaction questionnaire on the use of Mind Mapping. Statistics used in data analysis were: difference, mean,   t-test independent, rubric score. The research found that the mean score of the experimental group was higher than the control group at 6.11, significantly higher at the level of 0.99. The satisfaction of students in the experimental group was at the high level ( = 4.14)


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