Utilizing Learners’ English Skills for the Identification and Formation of Adverbs Ending in -ment in French: The Case of a Group of Thai Students in Their Second Year of French Studies

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Romain Benassaya


The present study falls within the field of L3 didactics and focuses on the teaching of French grammar and vocabulary to Thai students who have already reached level B1 in English. The objective was to design and implement a pedagogical intervention aimed at encouraging a group of learners to use their knowledge of English as a resource to facilitate their acquisition of the rules for forming adverbs ending in -ment in French. In order to assess the effectiveness and relevance of the intervention, the following two objectives were formulated: 1) to identify the different types of cross-linguistic reflections carried out by the participants during the intervention and explore their ability to formulate accurate hypotheses about the rules for forming adverbs ending in -ment,       2) to evaluate the participants’ level of satisfaction and analyze the characteristics of their learning experience. The analysis of the participants’ performance and the observation of their exchanges and collaborative work revealed numerous instances of cross-linguistic reflections and accurate inductions, suggesting the effectiveness of the intervention. The satisfaction questionnaires showed that the intervention was perceived as beneficial, but its inductive dimension raised some reservations.


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