A Comparative Study of Analytical Reading Skill on Wieng Pa Pao Local Tales Using SQ3R and KWL Techniques for Prathom 6 Students in Sansali Sub-district School Network, Wieng Pa Pao District, Chiang Rai Province

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สุจิตรา พรมเทพ
ยุพิน จันทร์เรือง
อัญชลี เท็งตระกูล


The research objectives of this study were : 1) to examine the effciency of lesson
Chiang Rai province based on the 80/80 effciency standard criteria; 2) to investigate the
skill of Wieng Pa Pao local tales using SQ3R and KWL techniques; 3) to compare the
students’ satisfaction toward the lesson plans on analytical reading skill of Wieng Pa Pao
local tales using SQ3R and KWL techniques.
The samples were 22 prathom six students two schools under Sansali sub-district
school network, Wieng Pa Pao district, Chiang Rai province, wich consisted of 11 students
from Tungharatsamakkeewittaya School and 11 students from Ban Sansali School in their
2014 semester. The instruments were six lesson plans using SQ3R technique and the
other six lesson plans using KWL technique. Each lesson plan covered one hour, allowed
six hours. The lesson plans used six local tales of Wieng Pa Pao as the learning content.
Another instrument was achievement test. The last instrument was a questionnaire
investigating students’ satisfaction toward the two learning techniques.
The result of the study were as follows :
1. The fndings revealed that the effciency of the lesson plans using SQ3R and KWLtechniquesinanalyticalreadingskillonWiengPaPaolocaltaleshigherthanthe80/80
standard criteria. The lesson plans using SQ3R held the effciency scores at 80.57/82.08
while the lesson plans using KWL showed the effciency scores at 81.34/82.81.
2. The comparison result of the learning achievement of the analytical reading
skill on Wieng Pa Pao local tales based on SQ3R and KWL techniques for prathom six
no difference.
3. The comparison result of the students’ satisfaction toward the lesson plans
using SQ3R and KWL techniques, the fndings showed no difference in the level of the
students’ satisfaction toward the lesson plans using the two techniques. The students
showed the satisfaction toward the analytical reading lesson plans

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