The Development of 2nd Grade-Preschool Students’ Thai Writing Skills through Using Montessori Approach-Based Instructional Visual Aids in Anubarn Wiangchai School, Offce of Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Area 1

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ธิดารัตน์ กลิ่นอำนวย
นพพร ธนะชัยขันธ์
สุดาพร ปัญญาพฤกษ์


The purpose of this study aimed to develop the 2nd grade level-preschool students’
Thai writing skills, as well as to investigate the 2nd grade level-preschool students’ abilities
in their critical thinking skills, as well as the 2nd grade level-preschool students’
satisfactions toward the implementation of their Thai writing skills through using the
Montessori approach–based instructional visual aids in Anubarn Wiangchai School, the
Offce of Chiangrai Primary Educational Services Area 1. For research methodology, a lesson
plan related to Montessori approach-based Thai instructional management, a learning
module on the Montessori approach-based Thai writing skills, a test on preschool student’s
Thai writing skills, and a questionnaire related to the 2nd grade level-preschool students’
satisfactions toward the implementation of their Thai writing skills through using the
Montessori approach–based instructional visual aids, during the frst semester of the
academic year 2013, were all conducted with sixteen preschool students.
The fndings of the study were as follows:
1. The 2nd grade level-preschool students’ scores of 51.04% obtained before the
implementation of Thai writing skills through using the Montessori approach–based
instructional visual aids were higher than that of their scores of 96.66% obtained after the
implementation of Thai writing skills through using the Montessori approach–based
instructional visual aids were all rated at 96.66%;
2. Their scores obtained after the implementation of the Montessori approach–based
learning management on their critical thinking skills were higher than that of their
pre-implementation; and
3. The 2nd grade level-preschoolstudents’ satisfactionstoward the implementationof
their Thai writing skills through using the Montessori approach–based instructional visual
aids were also rated at a higher level.

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