Development of Reading and Writing Skills for Students with Learning Disabilities (L.D.) at Anuban Nang Lae (Ban Tung) School by Using Thai Reading and Writing Skills Instructional Package

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ณชญาดา แก้วแสงอินทร์
เพ็ญพิศุทธิ์ ใจสนิท
วิชิต เทพประสิทธิ์


The purpose of this research was to develop reading and writing skills for students
with learning disabilities (L.D.) by using Thai reading and writing skills instructional package.
The population was 9 students with learning disabilities at Anuban Nang Lae (Ban Tung)
School. Research instruments were Thai reading and writing skills instructional package,
lesson plans based on the instructional package, reading test, writing test, learning
behaviors observation form, and interview form investigating students’ opinion of students
with learning disabilities. The data was analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and percentage.
The results showed that after learning by using Thai reading and writing skills
instructional package, the scores in reading and writing of students with learning disabilities
were 7.33 (73.33%) and 7.77 (77.77%) respectively which passed the criteria set of
more than 60%. Moreover, the students’ behaviors, in overall, were in the positive way.
They were happy and enjoyed using Thai reading and writing skills instructional package.
They also participated in the activities in the instructional package and showed the better

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