Using Folktales of Thai - China to Create a Skills Development Capabilities the Reading Comprehension Exercise of Chinese Students Who Studying in Thai as a Second Language.

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Wu Yin
ยุพิน จันทร์เรือง
อัญชลี เท็งตระกูล


The purposes of this research were to create and study the effectiveness of the
reading comprehension exercise of Chinese students who have studied Thai as a second
language. It aimed to fnd how effcient was reading comprehension using folktales of
Thai-China and to investigate the students’ satisfaction level using exercise reading
comprehension. Twenty-four Chinese students, who have studied Thai as a second language,
were taken as sample. The instrument constructed was exercise reading comprehension
of Thai language reading comprehension achievement tests and a questionnaire on
students’ satisfaction to the reading comprehension exercise of Chinese students who
have studied Thai as a second Language. To measure the satisfaction level mean (µ) and
standard deviation (σ) were used. The research results found that: First, the effciency of
the reading comprehension exercise was found to be 82.62/89.42 which was higher than
the 80/80 setting standard criterion. Second, the students’ achievement in reading
comprehension before using the exercise of reading comprehension was equal to average
38.30, and 73.60 percent, and the standard deviation equal to 1.51 and after reading
comprehension skills important with an average of 46.70Iand 89.70 percent with a standard
deviation of 1.20 and scores of 8.42, developmental equal to 16.19 percent. Third, the
overall result of satisfaction using the reading comprehension exercise was high. The mean
was 4.09, the standard deviation was equals to 0.74.

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