The Impact of Financial Management Towards the Operation Performance of Electronics Industry in Thailand

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ชุมภูนุช ไชยชมพู
กัสมา กาซ้อน
ปานฉัตร อาการักษ์


The objective of this study was to examine the impact of financial management that affected the electronics industry operation in Thailand. The variables used in this study were working capital management, liquidity, capital financing, profitability, and business risk. The samples were 227 participants that included accounting managers, general managers, accounting supervisors in electronics industry in Thailand. The research instrument was questionnaire and the descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation was used to analyze the demographic information, while linear correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to test the hypothesis. The findings revealed that: The financial management showed positive relationship towards the operation of electronics industry in Thailand at the significance level of .01. Considering all aspects of Financial Management, the research results showed that positive impact towards the operation of electronics industry in Thailand at the significance level of .001 were capital financing, profitability, business risk. And liquidity that positive impact towards the operation of electronics industry in Thailand at the significance level of .01.

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