Organic Food Products Consumption of People in Sansai District, Chiang Mai Province

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ปิยวรรณ สิริประเสริฐศิลป์
อนุชา กันทรดุษฎี
กัญญ์พัสวี กล่อมธงเจริญ
โสภณ ฟองเพชร


This research is the quantitative research. The purposes of this research were to study 1) the consumer behavior of organic food products; 2) the marketing mix’s factors influencing the consumption of organic food products in Sansai district, Chiang Mai province. The sample group was 400 consumers residing at Sansai district. The analysis of data was operated by applying SPSS program. Descriptive statistics : frequency, percentage, and mean.

The study found that the most respondents purchased organic food products especially vegetables such as morning glory, fruits such as banana, and others such as a variety of mushrooms. The reason of purchasing organic food products was health concern and most of them bought the organic food products from the first 3 places which are fresh market, Maejo University’s shop, and organics market respectively. The reasons that they purchased from those places were the confident of product quality. The most respondents spent between 51 and 100 bath and the time of their purchasing was during 3.00 - 6.00 pm. The frequency of purchasing was 2 -3 times per week averagely and the decision of purchase were made by themselves.

Regarding to the marketing mix’s which influence the consumption of organic food products. It was found that in term of product, the respondents focus on the quality of product and service which was safety of consumption. As for price, respondents emphasized on acceptable price which should match the product quality. In term of place (distribution channel), the respondents paid attention to the parking lot which should be convenient and adequate in number. As for promotion, respondents concerned the adequacy and continuity at the advertising using media. People factor, they also stressed the importance of the personality and human relation of salespersons such as politeness and honesty. As a physical evidence, the respondents focus on the area should be clean and have environmental concern. Additionally for process factor, they specially emphasize on the accuracy of the price.

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