The Creation of Gratitude Composition Suite Inspired by Elements of King Rama 9th Philosophy Hall Chiang Rai Rajabhat University for Jazz Ensemble

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พุทธพร ลี้วิเศษ


This creative research aimed to create a jazz ensemble that integrated concepts and beauty of elements of King Rama 9th Philosophy Hall at Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. The data collection employed observation and in-depth interview with the board
committees of King Rama 9th Philosophy Hall. The data was then synthesized for composition of the songs. The composed songs were validated by the experts in music. The author created a series of composition entitled “The Grattitude” consisting of 4 songs: 1) Jai Ban (House Spirit) 2) Black Cosmos 3) Green Bird 4) Phil. (Philosophy) The composition was inspired by an imagination reflected through the beauty of elements portrayed at King Rama 9th Philosophy Hall. Song 1 : Jai Ban (House Spirit) reflected the sculptural beauty of Jai Ban. Song 2 : Black Cosmos outlined the beauty of the night sky at King Rama 9th Philosophy Hall. Song 3 : Green Bird was inspired by the rich of nature surrounded King Rama 9th Philosophy Hall making it a habitat for various kinds of birds. Song 4 : Phil communicated the word “philosophy” which represented the holistic concept of King Rama 9th Philosophy Hall. This song used three notes as highlight melody to convey the meaning of the word “Pra-Cha-Ya” meaning philosophy. The author employed description and prologue to decode the inspiration and imagination into melody, rhythm, and chorus which were communicated in the form of jazz ensemble.

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