The Policy Recommendations in Educational Administration for Vocational Skills Promotion of Secondary School Students at Educational Opportunity Expansion Schools in Special Area of Chiang Rai Province

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กัญญาณัฐ ปูนา
พูนชัย ยาวิราช
ไพรภ รัตนชูวงศ์


The objectives of this study were to examine the conditions and needs for educational administration, and to develop and propose educational administration promoting vocational skills for secondary school students at educational opportunity expansion schools in special area of Chiang Rai province covering 5 years (2018 - 2022). This mixed method study recruited the samples from 32 schools that included school administrators and teachers at educational opportunity expansion schools in special area of Chiang Rai province. The instruments were questionnaire, fieldwork survey, structured interview, and focus-group discussion. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and needs index analysis using PNImodified formula. 

            The results showed that 1) The aspect showing the highest operation quality in the present situation was organization (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 3.26), followed by control aspect. The aspect holding the lowest performing quality was planning (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 3.07). The aspect showing the highest operation quality in occupational skills were leadership skills and responsibilities (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 3.10), followed by social skills and cross-cultural learning. The skills in the lowest operation quality were flexibility and adaptability skills (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 2.88). 2) The highest operational needs was planning (PNIModified = 0.47), followed by action plan implementation (PNIModified = 0.43). The most demanding skills were flexibility and adaptability (PNIModified = 0.49), followed by self-initiative and self-dependence skills. 3) The guidelines for educational administration promoting vocational skills for secondary school students at educational opportunity expansion schools in special area of Chiang Rai Province were proposed. 1) Plan the use of resources between the network and establishing collaborative network with other organizations that benefit the learner. 2) Implement technology for use in communication, define the authority and responsibility for personnel to be responsible for their own competence, and support the personnel receive consistent training. 3) Develop cooperation between government agencies, private and business sectors, in building the opportunity for staff to understand about in their work and practice thoroughly. 4) Analyze the policy in determining the regulations for controlling and perform risk analysis and risk management planning. 5) Undertake research and development to create new innovations that meet the needs of learners and the community. Taking into account on 5 aspects of vocational skills, the analysis results showed that the educational administration should provide opportunities for learners to apply integrated skills and to build learning system that focuses on competency, allow networking partners to participate in educational administration in order that the learners could learn various career opportunities from the future employers. 4) The policy recommendations for educational administration promoting vocational skills at secondary school students in special area of Chiang Rai Province covering 5 years (2018 - 2022), in overall, were appropriate and possible at high level which covered 7 aspects; 1) Developing learning model for vocational skills and employment, 2) Promoting research and development to monitor and evaluate the management, 3) Promoting collaborative networking, 4) Developing control plan covering the mission, 5) Promoting the use of technology in organizational management and focus on participatory management, 6) Developing educational administration model, promote development of networks to mobilize educational management resources in enhancing vocational skills and employment, and 7) Networking for participation in educational administration to promote vocational skills and employment.

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