Development of Learning Activities to Enhance Career Skills of Students in Wiang Nuea Subdistrict, Wiang Chai District, Chiang Rai Province

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Saengrawee Na Lamphun
Somchai Jaiban


The purpose of this research was to study the potential problems and demand of  eachers in arranging learning activities to develop students’ career skills and develop teachers’ design skills in the classroom learning activities by implementing students’ career skills. To measure and evaluate the quality of learners regarding career skills of students in Wiang Nuea community, Wiang Chai district, Chiang Rai province. The population consisted of 12 administrators and teachers. The research instruments were interview report, a group discussion interview form, test, teacher skill test and student quality assessment form. The statistics were used to analyze the data in terms of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

1. To study potentiality of the problems and demand of teachers in arranging learning activities to develop students’ career skills find that teachers were lack of teaching experiences and training in learning activities to develop students’ career skills; teachers therefore need to obtain a knowledge of teaching to develop students’ career skills that requests to create a set of activities about authentic community assignments. As well as allowing students to apply knowledge from a set of activities to create career development projects by linking integration with the area around the school. Teachers need materials and textbooks. Because the existing teaching media is damaged and not suitable for use in teaching and learning. From group discussions, it was found that the budget was insufficient for quality education, parents lack attention to their children, and the problem of teachers were moved frequently. Overall, schools focus on academic teaching only with the learning activities for career skills development should be organized in art creativity club.

2. The result of developing design activities skills to enhance learning model on students’ career skills found that a set of activities developed in science course Grade 4 around the subject material around, there are 4 activities, total of 10 hours, Grade 5, about product design, there are 2 activities, 6 hours, grade 6, chic online story, there are 2 activities, amount of 6 hours. The experiment on the ability before and after using teacher develops students’ career skills increase rapidly after training. The level of developing design teachers’ learning activities to enhance students’ career skills was ranked in very good. The teacher has skills to write course descriptions with consistent learning standards. Properly linked with the skills in determining the scores in each unit are most appropriate. The use of learning theories are consistent with learning activities. Concept map is clear, easy to understand. In the form of learning units and learning management plans consistent with the course description and course structure.

3. The results of quality measurement and evaluation of students’ career skills in Wiang Nuea community, Wiang Chai district, Chiang Rai province found that the overall has a very good average quality. When considering each side, it was found that a good skill level such as creativity, beauty and assignment effectiveness. Having logical thinking and responsible questions were correctly and were completely in every item. The very good skill level that the work was completed in an appropriate time, presentations, accuracy, specifications, and achievement with accurate languages.

Keywords: Learning activities, Career skills

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