Potentiality Development for the Housewife Groups to Approach the Standard on the Community Product Management System in Maesalongnok Sub-district, Mae Fa Luang District, Chiang Rai Province

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Thippawan Sriprom
Atchara Sinchaikul
Natthida Chumpa


The objective of this research was to develop the housewife groups’potentials to approach the standard on the community product management system in Maesalongnok sub-district, Mae Fa Luang district, Chiang Rai province. Data were collected from 3 housewife groups in Maesalongnok district, Mae Fa Luang district, Chiang Rai province; 1) Ban Tong Ja Sai’s Chilli Paste Group consisted of 10 people, 2) Ban Lao Sib’s Yao Tribal Hand Embroidered Fabric Group consisted of 17 people, and 3) Ban That’s Lisu Tribal Hand Embroidered Fabric Group consisted of 11people. Research instruments used in this study are 3 sets which are 1) interview form, 2) SWOT analysis form, and 3) evaluation form. Data were analyzed by using content analysis and narrative analysis, and analyzed the data by using the instant statistical program. The statistics used in this study are frequency, percentage, and present the results of the data analysis in the form of a description table.

For their self-assessments according to the standard on the community product management system, the findings revealed that the overall potentiality of Ban Tong Ja Sai’s Chilli Paste Group was quite low, because there was mostly no documentation or evidences according to the system. On the contrary, both Ban Lao Sib’s Yao Tribal Hand Embroidered Fabric Group as well as Ban That’s Lisu Tribal Hand Embroidered Fabric Group had a moderate level of the overall potentiality; the documentation or evidences were managed according to the regulation without implementation in a systematic and complete manner.

According to the community product management system standard, the finding of the group management potentiality as well as the self-assessment of the three housewife groups revealed that the lack of knowledge on accounting and financial management; moreover, product improvement and package design were not consistent with the market demand trend. Even so, when their potentials on the accounting and financing management had already been developing, they learned more knowledge that brought them the capacity on calculating the production cost and preparing the suitable accounting and finance management system effectively. Moreover, they clearly understood how to employ the accounting data for dealing with tax and financial planning; money management planning; and financial management planning according to the accurate technicalities could completely indicate the actual situation of the group’s operation. In addition, for the product and package development, housewife groups had developed, improved, and changed the labels that were conformed to the products in order to meet the consumer needs, and also designed the sticker label related to the product of each housewife group.

The finding on the management guidelines for strengthening community products and being able to approach the community product management system standard revealed that the government sectors should participate in supporting and promoting the application of the community product standard for the housewife groups, or passing on the knowledge and perception of applying for the standards of any kind of products that uncomplicated, convenient, and fast informed procedure were provided. That auditors as mentors for consulting and advising should be provided by the government sectors as much as possible would help them to achieve their effective and agile operations as so to create the most improved products according to the standards. Moreover, marketing promotion plan should be provided; meanwhile, some supportive budgets should be offered in the form of projects or activities by the government sectors in order to further develop the housewife groups’product quality. The more their products get the high quality, the more their motivation for certifying their community products will be increased. Then the housewife groups will more appreciate the benefits of the community product certification.

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