Development of Chinese Learning Processes Management Guidlines to the Excellence of Wattanothaipayap School, Chiang Mai Province

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Jutamas Pukkhamnuan
Choocheep Puthaprasert
Yongyouth Yaboonthong


The thesis titled in “Development of Chinese Learning Processes Management Guidelines to the Excellence of Wattanothaipayap School, Chiang Mai Province” was aimed to 1) study the problems of Chinese learning process management by Wattanothaipayap School in Chiang Mai province, 2) observe the Chinese learning process management of educational institutions with excellence in the upper northern provinces, and 3) establish and determine the Chinese learning process management to the excellence of Wattanothaipayap School in Chiang Mai province. The study was based upon an application of learning concepts and principles through the student-centered approach in three aspects; 1) teaching preparations, 2) teaching activities, and 3) assessment and evaluation integrated with the systematic management consisting of inputs, processes and outputs. The informants regarding the study of conditions, problems, and Chinese learning process management of Wattanothaipayap School in Chiang Mai province included deputy director of academic affairs, head of the second foreign language study, two representatives of Chinese teachers, and 155 student representatives of Chinese Program. The informants regarding the study of Chinese learning process management of educational institutions with excellence in the upper northern provinces comprised of director, deputy director of academic affairs, six heads of Chinese Program, two representatives of Chinese teachers, and nine student representatives as heads of the class in Chinese Program. Other informants regarding preparations and evaluations of the Chinese learning process management to the excellence of Wattanothaipayap School in Chiang Mai province were totally 14 Chinese experts from several organizations. The instruments used in this study consisted of 1) structured interview, 2) questionnaire, 3) focus group and its recording form, and 4) guideline evaluation form. Data analyses were undertaken through classifications of findings following the interview and presented in forms of the description, average, and standard deviation. According to the study results of problems on the Chinese learning process management by Wattanothaipayap School in Chiang Mai province and the study results of the Chinese learning process management of educational institutions with excellence in the upper northern provinces, the main management guideline was based upon the preparation of potential development project in teaching to the excellence of Chinese language, requiring three activities. These included Activity 1: a follow-up visit and evaluation of Chinese teaching quality, Activity 2: going through China with HSK, and Activity 3: Wattanothaipayap YouTuber. The overall evaluation results of development guidelines showed the feasibility and suitability at the highest level.

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