The Strategies for Leadership Development in Innovation for the Primary School Administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Office of Education Region 13

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Adisak Thammaporn


The purposes of this study were: 1) to study the current conditions and needs for innovation leadership development of primary school administrators, 2) to create and develop leadership development strategies for the primary school administrators, and 3) to evaluate the leadership development strategies of the primary school administrators. The samples used in this study were the 346 primary schools under the Administrators Office of Education Region 13. The instruments used in this research were a questionnaire, an interview form, group discussion, and strategic evaluation forms. They were statistically analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The findings of this research were as follows:

1. The current level of leadership development in innovation for primary school administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Office of Education Region 13 is overall high. The need for leadership development in innovation is also high. It should be promoted supported and developed for the primary school administrators through motivation, human relations, creativity, learning, and roles in order.

2. The strategies for leadership development in innovation for primary school administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission of Education for Region 13 consist of 5 strategies : 1) promoting motivation in using innovation to manage modern learning emphasizing an appreciation of the personnel who have been successful with innovation, 2) promoting human relations in creating creative cooperation emphasizing the administrators having good communication skills both inside and outside school, 3) promoting and supporting creativity leading to up-to-date work development focuses on the initiative to do new things regularly, not to the framework how to work the original style, 4) increasing the potential of learning innovation in successful management of education by emphasizing that the administrators continuously acquire more skills to develop their work, and 5) improving and developing the roles in educational management efficiency emphasizing the administrators’ systematic planning management.

3. Evaluation of the results of the strategies for the leadership development in innovation for primary school administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Office of Education Region 13.The vision, mission, goals, strategies, indicators of success and measurements for success were consistency, feasibility and utilization. Overall conclusions were at the highest level.

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