Causal Factor of Learning Management to Influencing in 21st Century Learning Skills of Students of the STEM Education Network School in the North

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Prapaporn Kobayashi
Anan Kaewtatip
Kittisak Newrat


The purposes of this research were to study the factors with the influencing and 21st century learning skills of grade 9 students of the STEM Education Network School in the north, to determine the consistence between the casual factors of constructed model and empirical data with the influencing 21st century learning skills of students of the STEM Education Network School in the north, and to investigate the influences of total, direct, and indirect factors 21st century learning skills of students of the STEM Education Network School in the north. The sample were 380 of grade 9 students of the STEM Education Network School in the north studying in the first semester on academic year 2017 selected by stratified random sampling technique. A series of constructed questionnaire is Causal factor of Learning management to influencing in 21st century learning skills consisting of teaching behavior of teachers, parenting, classroom atmosphere, attitude towards learning and achievement motivation. Data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and path analysis approach. The results of research revealed as follows.

1. Attitude towards learning was the highest average level ( = 4.26, S.D. = 0.52), teaching behavior of teachers was the lower average level ( = 4.10, S.D. = 0.54).

2. The model was accordance with the empirical data with 67.33, p = 0.72, GFI = 0.98, AGFI= 0.95, RMR= 0.014, RMSEA= 0.00, Standardize Residual = 1.97. The dammar of Q-Plot with its diagonal line was not rejected. The model could explain the 21st century learning skills factor at 83 percent.Q-Plot with its diagonal line was not rejected. The model could explain the 21st century learning skills factor at 83 percent.

3. Total factors Influencing for the 21st century learning skills factor, the highest total factors was classroom atmosphere (TE = 0.63). Direct factors Influencing were classroom atmosphere and attitude towards learning (DE = 0.34). Indirect factors influencing was classroom atmosphere (IE = 0.29) respectively.

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