Effects of Synectics Instructional Model on Learning Achievement and Creative Writing Ability of Grade 11 Students

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Kittikul Kaewkalong
Dhanita Doungwilai


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop Thai language lesson plans by using synectics instructional model which develop the learning achievement and creative writing ability of grade 11 students to meet the criteria of 80/80; 2) to compare the creative writing ability and the learning achievement of grade 11 students before and after treatment; and 3) to study the satisfaction level of grade 11 students through synectics
instructional model. The samples of this research were 34 students from grade 11 of Nachuak Pittayasan School, Nachuak, Mahasarakham, the Secondary Education Service Area Office 26, the second semester-the academic year 2019. The samples were observed by cluster random sampling technique. There were 4 instruments used for collecting data included 1) 12 lesson plans of synectics Instructional model which develop creative writing ability of grade 11 students, 2) Achievement test, multiple-choice, 5-choice, 30 items, with difficulty (p) equal to 0.27- 0.65, classification power (B), item 0.27-0.70 and with a tight confidence 0.86, 3) creative writing ability test of grade 11 students of 2 sets, which included 4 questions. The reliability value was 0.89, and 4) the five-level rating scale satisfaction questionnaires through synectics instructional model consisted of 15 items. The validity value of the data was 0.79.

The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test (Dependent Sample). The results of the research revealed that:

1. Thai language lesson plans of creative writing ability for grade 11 students through synectics instructional model met the criteria at 82.92/80.49 of efficiency value.

2. The creative writing ability and learning achievement of grade 11 students through Thai language lesson plans of synectics instructional model showed that after treatment, it was significantly higher than before treatment at .05 level.

3. The grade 11 students were satisfied with Thai language lesson plans of synectics instructional model at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.60).

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