Developing SQ4R Activity Packages to Promote Chinese Reading and Metacognitive Skills of Mathayomsuksa 5 Students

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Orawan Kitchalarat
Wannida Thungsang
Pachongkarn Phuvipadawat


The purposes of this research were to 1) develop SQ4R activity packages to promote Chinese reading and metacognitive skills of mathayomsuksa 5 students, 2) study the students’ Chinese reading skills after using the SQ4R activity packages, 3) study the students’ self-monitored while reading, and 4) the students’ high ordered questioning ability by using the SQ4R activity packages.

The sample group comprised of 20 mathayomsuksa 5 Chinese program students of Regina Coeli College, Muang district, Chiang Mai, who enrolled in the second semester of the 2019 academic year. The sample was selected by cluster sampling.

The research instruments were 1) the SQ4R activity packages to promote Chinese reading and metacognitive skills of mathayomsuksa 5 students, 2) the Chinese reading comprehension subjective test, 3) the form for student’s self-assessment on self-monitoring ability during the implementation of the SQ4R activity packages to promote Chinese reading and metacognitive skills of mathayomsuksa 5 students and 4) the test of the students’ ability to make high order question and answering by using the rubric assessment criteria. The data was analyzed using the mean and standard deviation. The dependent t-test was also used in the analysis.

The research results revealed that the packages had the effectiveness ratio of 78.3/88.61, which was higher than the pre-determined criterion of 75/75. The students’ Chinese reading scores after the experiment were significantly higher than those before the implementation at the .05 level. When the students were assessed on their self-monitoring ability during the implementation of the SQ4R activity packages, their average score was 33, which was considered good. Moreover, from the test on the students’ ability to make high order question and answering by using the rubric assessment criteria their average score was 3.00, which was considered at the very good level.

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