The Empowerment of Community Potentials for Inequality Reduction of People in Remote Ares of Chiang Rai Province

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Phuripat Kaewsri
Chira Prateep


The objectives of this study are 1) to analyze the problem of inequality of people in remote area of Chiang Rai province, 2) to analyze the potential of the community to reduce the inequality problem of people in remote area of Chiang Rai province, and 3) to propose a model for community empowerment approach to reduce the inequality problem of people in remote area of Chiang Rai province.

The study used quantitative and qualitative research methods. Using a survey of 418 households. In-depth interview with group discussions consisted of 15 people, community leaders, government officials, the private sector, and academic experts.

The study found that, the problem of inequality of people in remote area of Chiang Rai province, rights and opportunities for public service; the working experience of teachers and education officer in rural areas are different from urban areas. Rights and opportunities to justice; lack of promotion of people in rural areas to recognize the rights of justice. On promoting the disabled handicapped people with disabilities in rural areas to provide opportunities and access to information on rights, welfare, and services are very little. Rights and opportunities; for political participation, people in rural areas lack the opportunity to equally make complaints. For the potential of the community to reduce the inequality problem of people in remote area of Chiang Rai province found that, the analysis of community potential in the area of the large and medium of
subdistrict Administrative organization are divided into 3 areas: management, social, and natural resources.

For the model of community empowerment approach to reduce the inequality problem of people in remote area of Chiang Rai province.The study found that, the model should consist of 10 elements, known as the Inequality Model.

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