Effect of Board Games on Cognitive Function of Learners

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Fisik Sean Buakanok
Pongwat Fongkanta
Pramote Promkhan


The boardgame is the most talked about and widely used in European and American academic including some Asian countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and Japan. These countries normally use boardgame in their teaching. In Thailand, it has begun to use boardgames but not widespread because they are accustomed to making lectures and give assignments to check the learning outcomes. Another reason may not be confident in the board game that it will benefit to promote cognitive function. The purpose of this article is to support the effect of board games on cognitive function of learners by showing the relationship between principles and concepts including research samples to clarify the use of boardgame on cognitive outcomes, Boardgame had a positive effect on the cognitive function of the learners. It was found that the percentage of perception and knowledge increased. And also affects the relief of learning anxiety. It contributes to improving and enhancing interpersonal interactions, study motivation. Findings show that boardgame can effectively solving in learning process.

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