The Effectives of Art Activities Including Tearing and Pasting Paper while Listening to Mozart’s Music to Promote Brains Skill to Strengthen Executive Function of Kindergarten 3 Students

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Priyaphat Chhonlasin
Wilaiporn Rittikoop


The objectives of the study were to study the result of creative tearing paper collage while playing Mozart music activities to enhance executive function skills among young children and to compare executive function skills among kindergarten 3 students before and after using creative tearing paper collage while playing Mozart music activities. The participants are 18 male and female young children between 5- 6 years old studying in kindergarten 3 of the first semester, academic year 2021 of Kamon-Ream Sukoson (Banphatai) School, Mae-Ai district, Chiangmai province. The research instruments are the lesson plans of creative tearing paper collage while playing Mozart music activities, and executive function assessment forms. The gathered data was analyzed using mean standard deviation and percentage.

The findings indicated that the lesson plans of creative tearing paper collage while playing Mozart music activities to enhance executive function skills among kindergarten 3 students is at the most suitable level, when considered the components they are all at the most suitable level. In addition, the executive function skills among kindergarten 3 students increased after using the activities.

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