Development of Information Systems for the Management of Nong Pa Khrang Community Traditional Thai Massage Center, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province

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Pongkorn Chantaraj
Jarunee Pattarawongthana
Prabhan Apiwong
Non Naknaka
Jutamat Jintana
Ninooch Boonyarittanon
Satchuset Raungdessuwon


The purposes of this research were to develop an information system for managing the service of Nong Pa Khrang Thai Massage Center and to assess the satisfaction with the use of the developed information system by applying a community participatory research process of Participatory Action Research (PAR), and System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as a framework. The samples used in this study were service providers, customers of the massage center, and Nong Pa Krang Subdistrict Municipality officers who manage the massage center. A total of 28 people were selected by applying a purposive sampling method. The research instruments were a sample interview recording form and a satisfaction assessment form for the use of information systems. The research procedure began with a survey of system development needs by organizing a forum with the community through a SWOT Analysis environment. Then, applied the results obtained to determine the topic of study and development. Conducting an analysis and system design by organizing a meeting with the samples to study the form of information needed and developing an information system of a web application, testing and installing the system. Later, organized a workshop on how to use the system. The results of the samples' satisfaction assessment of using the system found that all aspects had a total average of 4.64, which was the highest level of satisfaction. The developed system allowed customers to make appointments in advance, managed queues for service providers, and issued reports for managing the massage center. These contribute to the development of service quality that builds trust and facilitates service recipients, causing sustainable development onwards.

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