News Analysis from Online Newspapers to Construct Innovative Exercises on Reading and Writing the Difficult Spelling Words for Prathomsuksa 6 Students, Rob Wiang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chiang Rai

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Sukanya Klibngern


Research subject Analysis of news from online newspapers to create innovative reading comprehension and spelling skills exercises for prathomsuksa 6 students, Rob Wiang sub-district, Muang district, Chiang Rai province, is purposes are to analyze news, language use in family news from Thairath online newspaper and to create innovations to practice reading comprehension and spelling skills for students in Prathomsuksa 6, Rob Wiang subdistrict, Mueang district, Chiang Rai province.

            The results of the study found that 1. family news analysis from Thairath online newspapers for prathomsuksa 6 students, all five issues were analyzed on the role of fathers concerning their children: 1) protecting families, 2) supporting the economy, 3) being reliant on advisors in times of need, 4) give love and warmth to  family, and 5) be a good role model for your children. The role of mothers towards children in 3 issues: raising children 2) protecting the children 3) sacrificing for the children

  1.  Analysis of language use in family news from Thairath online newspaper for prathomsuksa 6 students, a total of 8 themes were analyzed, namely 1) Emotional words of Mourning, 2) Emotional words of Sympathy, 3) Emotional words of Admire 4) Emotional words of Love, Happiness, and Fulfilment 5) Emotional words of Entertaining, fun 6) Emotional words of Sorrow 7) Emotional words of Anger, and 8) Emotional words of Sarcastic.

  2. The results of the analysis of the innovative use of reading comprehension and spelling skills exercises for Prathomsuksa 6 students, it found that the scores after school were significantly higher than before at the .05 level.

  3.  Analysis of the efficiency of the innovational using the reading skill exercise Understanding and writing difficult words There is an effective value of the learning process using skill exercises. Reading comprehension and spelling of difficult words had an E1/E2 efficiency of 81.50/86.50, which meets the criteria set forth 80/80 according to the assumptions.

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