The Effects of Discovery Learning Activities Management on Learning Achievement and Mathematical Connection Ability and Satisfaction towards Learning Activities in the Topic of Fraction and Decimal of Grade 7 Students with Special Talents in Sports at School Consortiumin Bangkok Metropolis

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Lalita Utsa
Sureerat Areeraksakul konglok
Vinit Thueakthong


The objectives of this research were 1) to describe the characteristics of mathematics learning achievements and mathematics connection abilities before and after learning with the discovery learning activities and the satisfaction of grade 7 students with special talents in sports after learning with the discovery learning activities; 2) to compare mathematics learning achievements and mathematics connection abilities before and after learning with the discovery learning activities and the satisfaction of grade 7 students with special talents in sports after learning with the discovery learning activities to compare the 70 percentage standard. The research sample consisted of 33 of grade 7 students with special talents in sports of Naluang School in Bangkok metropolis during the first semester of the 2021 academic year, obtained by cluster random sampling. The employed research instruments were
1) lesson plans with discovery learning activities in the topic of Fraction and Decimal; 2) a mathematics learning achievement test in the topic of Fraction and Decimal;
3) a mathematics connection ability test in the topic of Fraction and Decimal; and
4) the satisfaction measurement form for the discovery learning activities. Statistics employed for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, skewness, kurtosis, and repeated MANOVA analysis. The research found that the post-learning mathematics learning achievement and mathematics connection ability of grade 7 students with special talents in sports who learned with the discovery learning activities was significantly higher than their pre-learning and the satisfaction of grade 7 students with special talents in sports after learning with the discovery learning activities were higher than 70 percentage standard at the statistical significant level of .05.

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