The Learning Management by Using Four–Blocks Approach with 5W1H Technique for Empowering Reading for Main Idea and Writing a Summary in English for Prathomsuksa 6 Students

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Chanfong Panyawong
Wilaiporn Rittikoop


The objectives of this study were 1) to develop the learning management plan by using Four–Blocks Approach with 5W1H Technique for empowering reading for main idea and writing a summary in English for prathomsuksa 6 students; 2) to compare reading for main idea in English of students before and after implementing Four–Blocks Approach with 5W1H Technique; 3) to compare writing a summary in English of the students before and after implementing Four–Blocks Approach with 5W1H Technique; and 4) to examine the students’ satisfaction towards the learning management by Four–Blocks Approach with 5W1H Technique for empowering reading for main idea and writing a summary in English. The target group was 38 prathomsuksa 6 students from Ban Yuan School (Chiang Kham Nakarowat). The research instruments were 1) learning management plans based on Four–Blocks Approach and 5W1H; 2) achievement test on reading for main idea; 3) achievement test on writing a summary; 4) questionnaire assessing students’ satisfaction towards the learning management by Four–Blocks Approach with 5W1H Technique.

          The results showed that: 1) The learning management plan indicated the highest level of appropriateness (gif.latex?\mu  = 4.92, gif.latex?\sigma = 0.14). In addition, the efficiency assessment indicated that the learning management plan 1 - 4 were at 88.66/82.63, 80.43/85.26, 84.50/84.74 and 85.33/84.21. 2) The comparison of pre- and post-implementation of learning management by Four–Block Approach with 5W1H Technique for empowering reading for main idea in English of the students showed that the progression score was 16.81 or 56.03%. 3) The comparison of pre- and post-implementation of learning achievements by Four–Block Approach with 5W1H Technique for empowering writing a summary in English of the students showed that the progression score was 14.81 or 49.37%. 4) The assessment of students’ satisfaction towards implementing the learning management plans based on Four–Block Approach with 5W1H Technique, in overall, indicated the highest satisfaction (gif.latex?\mu  = 4.69 , gif.latex?\sigma = 0.21).

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