Proactive Leadership of Administrators Affecting the Effectiveness of Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon

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Nutthikan Sripoka


            The purposes of this research were to study 1) the components of proactive leadership of school administrator, 2) the proactive leadership level of school administrators and the level of school effectiveness, 3) the relationship between proactive leadership of school administrator and school effectiveness, 4) the predictive power of administrators' proactive leadership that affected school effectiveness and 5) guidelines to develop proactive leadership of school administrators that affected the effectiveness of the school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon. The research was divided into 3 phases: 1) to study the components of proactive leadership of school administrator, 2) to study the relationship between the proactive leadership of administrators the effectiveness of schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon, and 3) to study ways to develop proactive leadership of administrators affecting the effectiveness of schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon.

            The study of the components of proactive leadership of school administrator, it was found that there are five components: 1) independent will, 2) self-awareness, 3) imagination, 4) critical thinking, and 5) work planning. Proactive leadership level of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon was at a high level. As for school effectiveness under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon was at the highest level. Proactive leadership of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon and school effectiveness had a high level of positive correlation. Proactive leadership of school administrators which could statistically predict school effectiveness at the .01 level of significance were imagination and critical thinking while self-awareness could statistically predict school effectiveness under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon at the .05 level of significance with a predictive power of 77.10%.

            The guidelines for developing proactive leadership of school administrators that affected school effectiveness under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon, were 3 aspects: imagination; critical thinking and self-awareness.

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