The Attitudes and Online Content Marketing Communications That Affect Purchasing Decisions Regarding Environmentally-friendly Products in Consumers in Lampang Province

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Kwanpirom Boonphu
Thatsaporn Srisook


            The objectives of this research were to study the attitudes that affect purchasing decisions regarding environmentally-friendly products in consumers in Lampang Province and online content marketing communications that affect purchasing decisions regarding environmentally-friendly products in consumers in Lampang Province. Research a sample of 400 former, with a specific random sample, used a questionnaire as a tool, and subjected to data analysis with the basic statistical methods, Percentage, Mean and Standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested  with multiple regression analysis statistics. 

            The research results found the attitudes that affect purchasing decisions regarding environmentally-friendly products in consumers in Lampang Province is Responding, Personal Beliefs, Trends on Behavior and Experience but Receiving does not affect purchasing decisions regarding environmentally-friendly products  in consumers in Lampang, having a statistical significance of 0.05. Results of a study of online content marketing communications that affect purchasing decisions regarding environmentally-friendly products in consumers in Lampang is Convince Content, Entertain Content and Inspire Content but Educate Content does not affect purchasing decisions regarding environmentally-friendly products in consumers in Lampang Province, having a statistical significance of 0.05. Therefore it should be given importance Responding of the attitudes and Entertain Content of online content marketing communications because this is the most affect purchasing decisions regarding environmentally-friendly products in consumers in Lampang Province.

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