A Model of Development of Competence in Learning Management of Teachers to Enhance Reading Literacy under the Trang, Krabi Secondary Educational Service Area Office

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Nattaphat Tiasi
Jirasak Saekhow
Yanisa Boonchit


            The objectives of this research and development are to 1) study the current condition, condition expected of competence in learning management, 2) develop the competence in learning management model, and 3) examine the effectiveness of the competence in learning management model of teachers to enhance reading literacy under the Trang, Krabi Secondary Educational Service Area Office, there were 3 phases of this research: Phase 1, studying the condition, condition expected of competence in learning management of teachers. The sample group were 329 participants consisted of school administrator and teachers in school. The tool used is questionnaire to study current conditions and the expected state of competence in learning management of teachers with the confidence value was 0.97. Phase 2, develop the competence  in learning management model check suitability by in-depth interviews with 7 experts using a content validity check form. Phase 3, check the effectiveness of the competence in learning management model of teachers. The sample group was 40 people by simple random sampling. The tool used is learning management competencies performance checklist. The confidence value was 0.96. Data were analyzed using basic statistics, including descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The research findings were as follows: 1) the current state of the competence in learning management overall was moderate. The expected state of the competence in learning management overall was at a high level. 2) The competence in learning management model consists of 6 components as follows: (1) Principles (2) Objectives (3) Inputs (4) Methods Implementation (5) Output and (6) Success Condition of the model. 3) Results of validating the competence in learning management model, namely appropriateness, feasibility and usefulness found that the efficiency of the model overall was at a high level and the efficiency of the model manual overall was at the highest level.

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