The Development of Professional Learning Community Internal Supervision Model for Primary Schools under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Jantraporn Suksawat
Yanisa Boonchit
Jirasak Saekhow


The objectives of this research and development are 1) to study the current situations and desirable situation of the supervision 2) to develop of supervision model and 3) to evaluation results of the implementation professional learning community internal supervision model for primary schools under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. There were 3 steps, step 1 : was the study of the current situations and desirable situation of the supervision. The sample group was 313 people by stratified random sampling. The research instruments use were questionnaire. Step 2 : was the development of supervision model and to check theoretical reasonable with all 5 experts by questionnaire theoretical reasonable. Step : 3 was the evaluation results of model. The sample group was 3 schools.      The research instruments use were quiz, performance assessment form, and satisfaction assessment form were used for data collection. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and PNImodified 

The research findings were as follows: 1) The current situation was generally at a moderate level and desirable situation was at a highest level. The priority needs was plan. 2) C-PORIR Model were (1) principle (2) objectives (3) process and (4) success condition. The model on the whole was theoretical reasonable and possible was at a highest level. 3) The evaluation results of gained higher knowledge score on the whole, skill assessment score  on the whole, were higher than before, as well as the overall satisfaction score was at a highest  level.

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