泰国高中生初级汉语教学常见的语法偏误研究--- 以泰国帕府娜丽拉中学高中学生为例

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Nisita Maetmuang
番秀英 博士
周品生 教授


为了解泰国高中学生学习使用汉语语法常见的问题,进而帮助泰国高中学生的正 确使用汉语语法。本论文以泰国帕府娜丽拉中学汉语专业的高中一百四十二名学生为 研究对象,根据论文制定的研究目标,通过自然语料法分析归纳泰国高中学生使用汉 语语法的偏误类型。然后,分析泰国高中学生使用汉语语法的偏误原因,并提出针对 泰国高中学生使用汉语语法教学建议。

通过对这些语料中泰国高中生使用汉语语法偏误的分析(从2013 年5 月-10 月 的作业分析),发现出现偏误的总共有306 例,泰国学生产生的偏误最高的是错序偏 误 203 例,偏误率为 66.34 %。其次是遗漏偏误类型有61 例,偏误率为 19.94 %。 误加偏误有26 例 ,偏误率为 8.50 % 。而出现的偏误率最低的是误代偏误有16 例, 偏误率为 5.22 %。

据分析发现泰国高中学生汉语语法偏误,主要有三个原因:(1)母语负迁移, (2)目的语规则的泛化,(3)教师教材的影响。泰国高中学生在学习汉语语法的知 识时受母语的负迁移比率位居首位。针对泰国学生汉语语法的教学建议,学生应该多 熟悉汉语的语法结构,借助教材、语法书、词典、以及网络上汉语语法的用法,以便 更好地掌握汉语语法的用法。除此之外,应该仔细研究汉语和泰语语法的差别。并做 大量练习,本研究的成果会对外汉语教学方面有所帮助。


A study of using Chinese grammar error of highschool students , Nareerat school Phrae , Thailand

The objective of the study was to study the error in learning Chinese grammar of the Thai high school Students at Nareerat School Phrae. The study used a sample of 142 high school students in Nareerat School Phrae. Analyzed write purposes and classified of Chinese grammar mistakes then examined for possible causes and solutions. From the study, we found that there were 4 wrong types of using the Chinese grammar in high school students 1) The mistake of the words order; 2)The mistake of the missing words; 3)The mistake of the words understanding; 4)The mistake of the words filling

This study was conducted during May to October 2013. The results about the error of students in Nareerat School Phrae showed that from 306 sentences of incorrect structure of using Chinese grammar, the most error was the mistake of the words order, they were 203 sentences from 306 sentences which accounted for as 66.34%. The second error was the mistake of the missing words, they were found at 61 sentences from 306 sentences which accounted for as 19.94%. The third error was the mistake of the words understanding, they were found at 26 sentences from 306 sentences which accounted for as 8.50%. The last error was the mistake of the words filling, they are found at 16 sentences from 306 sentences which accounted for as 5.22%.

It was found that the cause that Thai high school students using Chinese grammar mistakes were 3 causes: 1) The interference of mother tongue; 2) targets using; 3) Lessons and teachers. The resolution of the problems in the use of Chinese grammar for Thai high school student were that students should study the use of Chinese grammar and be careful about the differences between the Chinese and Thai grammar. The use of Chinese grammar should be checked by studying textbooks, dictionaries, and information on the internet. Thus, students could increase their understanding of the Chinese grammar and use them effectively their education.

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