A Lacanian Subjectivity and the Politics of Resistance in Thailand’s Youth-led Protests in 2020-2021: the Hysteric, the Thing, and the Real


  • ชญาน์ทัต ศุภชลาศัย -


Lacan, subjectivity, Thai politics, psychoanalysis


This article aims to bring the notion of subjectivity articulated by Jacques Lacan, a French critical psychoanalyst, to study Thai politics. It focuses on Lacanian subjectivity, the notion which must be paradigmatically discussed by amalgamating with other relevant notions, notably, the hysteric, the Thing, and the Real, having the scenario of Thailand’s protest in 2020-2021 to be a case study that helps illuminate the relationship between Lacanian subjectivity and politics of resistance. Understanding subjectivity in this route will enable one to avoid reducing subjectivity to the factor of generational division. As Thai politics has hitherto been academically influenced by and discussed via the issues of democratization, a history of political economy, and a consolidation of democracy, all of those non-psychoanalytic perspectives are entwined with the actuality of social movement aims to wither away a political bloc of establishment. Consequently, with such continuity in academic debate, the aspect of subjectivity is unfortunately negated. To bring it back means that addressing subjectivity – a crucial notion in psychoanalysis – with the empirical case study of the Thai youth-led movement in 2020-2021 is committed in this article, which is fueled with a motif in filling in such intellectual lacuna obvious in Thai politics.


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