ความต้องการของนักเรียนและครูต่อการจัดการเรียนการสอน วิชาดนตรี กลุ่มสาระศิลปะ ระดับชั้นประถมศึกษาตอนปลาย สังกัดกรุงเทพมหานครเขตภาษีเจริญ
Needs in Music Instruction, Music Course, Interval 2 Primary EducationAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to study primary interval 2 students’ needs in music instruction 2) to compare primary interval 2 students’ needs in music instruction on basis of personal factors, i.e., sex, ages, and grades and 3) to study teachers’ needs, problems, and suggestions in music instruction for primary interval 2 school under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Paseecharoen District. The sample group included 348 students and 12 music teachers. Data were collected using 1) a set of questionnaire on students’ needs and 2) an interview protocol for teachers, and were statistically analyzed by mean, standard deviation, one way-ANOVA, and Scheffe’s Pair Wise Comparison of Mean. The purposes of this research were 1) to study primary interval 2 students’ needs in music instruction 2) to compare primary interval 2 students’ needs in music instruction on basis of personal factors, i.e., sex, ages, and grades and 3) to study teachers’ needs, problems, and suggestions in music instruction for primary interval 2 school under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Paseecharoen District. The sample group included 348 students and 12 music teachers. Data were collected using 1) a set of questionnaire on students’ needs and 2) an interview protocol for teachers, and were statistically analyzed by mean, standard deviation, one way-ANOVA, and Scheffe’s Pair Wise Comparison of Mean. The findings revealed the followings.
1. The primary interval 2 students’ needs in music instruction in terms of curriculum, they involved sufficient and intelligible contents; in terms of learning activities, they involved varieties of activities ranging from the easiest ones to the most difficult ones; in terms of environment, medias, and instruments, they involved increase of lights in the classroom; and in terms of measurement and evaluation, they involved using test relevant to students’ grades.
2. Those who had different age and grades had the different needs in music instruction either in general or individual items.
3. The primary interval 2 teachers’ needs in music instruction in terms of curriculum, they involved improvements of some contents based on students’ individual differences; in terms of learning activities, they indicated that child-centred learning could be only applied to those students who had previous musical background; in terms of environment, medias, and instruments, they involved increase of musical instruments; and in terms of measurement and evaluation, they involved using practical test to monitor students’ development. The problems of music instruction referred to lack of music teachers and music training was suggested for further action.
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