Journal Information
Fine Arts Journal: Srinakharinwirot University
ISSN 3027-8864 (Print)
ISSN 3027-8872 (Online)
The Fine Arts Journal: Srinakharinwirot University (FAJSWU) strictly adheres to the publication ethics outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The following ethical standards are established for editors, reviewers, and authors to ensure the integrity and quality of the publication process.
1.1 Publication Decision
The editorial board holds the responsibility for deciding which manuscripts will be published. This decision is based on the originality, relevance, and legal compliance of the manuscripts, including adherence to copyright and plagiarism standards. Manuscripts must not have been previously published, except as abstracts, nor be under consideration elsewhere. Editors may seek the advice of the editorial board and other reviewers to determine the suitability of manuscripts for publication.
1.2 Confidentiality
Editors and the editorial board are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts until they are published. This confidentiality extends to situations of suspected double submission or when the manuscript has been previously published or revised for republication. Information or ideas obtained through the review process must remain confidential and must not be used for personal advantage.
1.3 Plagiarism
Editors are responsible for ensuring that submitted manuscripts are free from plagiarism. All submissions are checked using plagiarism detection software to verify their originality and to maintain the integrity of the publication.
1.4 Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
All sources of funding and potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed by the authors. Submissions must include information on any relationships that could be viewed as conflicts of interest, such as sponsorships or advisory roles. The corresponding author must confirm their final responsibility for the submission and have full access to all relevant data.
2.1 Contribution to Editorial Decisions
Reviewers provide critical assessments and recommendations to the editors and the editorial board, assisting in the decision-making process for manuscript acceptance and publication. Their evaluations also help authors improve the quality of their manuscripts.
2.2 Confidentiality
Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the review process and should not discuss the manuscript with others until it is published. Unpublished materials disclosed in a manuscript under review must not be cited without the author's written consent and the editorial board's acknowledgment. Information or ideas obtained through the review process must remain confidential and must not be used for personal gain.
2.3 Standards of Objectivity
Reviewers must evaluate manuscripts objectively, relying on evidence and avoiding personal bias. Personal opinions without supporting evidence should not influence the review process.
2.4 Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
Reviewers must not use information obtained through the review process for personal gain and should decline to review manuscripts if there is a conflict of interest with the authors, companies, or institutions involved.
3.1 Authorship
All authors must consent to the submission and agree on the order of their names. The corresponding author is responsible for acting on behalf of all authors throughout the editorial and publication process.
3.2 Originality and Plagiarism
Manuscripts submitted to the Fine Arts Journal: Srinakharinwirot University must be original and not previously published or under consideration elsewhere. Authors must ensure proper citation and quotation of the work and words of others. Plagiarism, data fabrication/falsification, or citation manipulation will result in rejection. The journal reserves the right to use plagiarism detection software.
3.3 Human Subjects
Research involving human participants must comply with relevant laws and institutional guidelines. Authors must include a statement in the manuscript confirming that any experiments or clinical trials were approved by an ethics committee and must provide the approval code.
3.4 Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
All sources of research funding and potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed. Authors must include information on any relationships that could be viewed as conflicts of interest in their submissions.
The FAJSWU is dedicated to ensuring the integrity of the scholarly publishing process and maintaining the trust placed in us by authors, reviewers, and readers. We are committed to addressing any instances of publication malpractice promptly and maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct throughout the publication journey.
Fine Arts Journal: Srinakharinwirot University
Faculty of Fine Arts at Srinakharinwirot University
114 Sukhumwit 23, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
Tel: +66 2260 0123 ext. 103
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