Thai classical dance, Thai classical dance for health, Exercise, Creative economyAbstract
Thailand has developed a creative economy based on a combination of culture, tradition and wisdom, by a focus on linking with a national capital such as natural capital, physical capital, social capital, human capital, financial capital and cultural capital Is a driving force to change the country from the old economy into the new economy called Creative Economy, which is one of the interesting businesses that is Thai Fit Studio that is consistent with the creative industry. The 4 categories by the Office of the National Economic and Social Commission are: 1) Cultural Heritage, which is the use of Thai dance wisdom to initiate and develop in accordance with the exercise for health 2) Arts by using the basic knowledge of Thai dance such as Thai standard dance, Thai archeology dance, and Thai folk dance and the basics of Khon performances Used as a precursor to the development of activities 3) Modern media is an integration with the science of motion Including the use of accompanying music techniques 4) Functional Creation Thai Fit Studio has designed and divided the teaching style into 3 activities for students to choose according to their preferences. Thai Myth Thai Folk and Thai Martial Arts, which run the creative business of Thai Fit Studio, is a role in bringing art and culture to create and add value. Until becoming a brand image and the clearer examples of creative work for health Shows that the current Thai dance Not just a symbol of Thai culture But can be applied to exercise that is consistent and suitable for the lifestyle and needs of people in the present day as well.
จาก http://www.nesdb.go.th/ewt_dl_link.php?nid=6422
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