
  • Duriwat Tathaisong Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Burapha University
  • Sakesan Tanyapirom Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Burapha University


Ceramic art, Human behavior, Social media


The objective of the study entitled Ceramic Art Reflecting Human’s Social Media Behavior was to study the data of Gen Y’s behaviors about social media use that negatively effects the body, eyes, degenerative cervical bone, and headache through ceramic art. The Dan-Kwian indigenous soil was used with ceramic art's theory and process techniques. There was a decoration using fashion colors that were popular among the Gen Y group, namely UFO green, plastic pink, and purple protons. Furthermore, the artists’ concepts, namely Asaf Hanuka and Amarin Bupasiri, were applied to design and imagine according to the story of the impacts of the use of social media on the human body. These impacts were conveyed as a work of ceramic sculpture through shapes, textures, and colors. The electronic parts were also applied to the design. The analysis of the changes in shape from the negative effects of using social media was divided according to the posture of using social media that negatively affects the body into 3 categories (i.e., social media reflections, prying eyes, and applications with humans). The results showed that each category had a different number or size, and people were involved in every task. Emotions, aesthetics, and tactics were applied to the process of creating artworks of applied ceramic art mixed with electronics in order to remind people of the negative effects of social media use.


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How to Cite

Tathaisong, D., & Tanyapirom, S. (2023). CERAMIC ART REFLECTING HUMAN’S SOCIAL MEDIA BEHAVIOR. Fine Arts Journal: Srinakharinwirot University, 27(2), 63–80. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jfofa/article/view/257883



Research Article