Multicultural Music Teacher Education in the Context of Buriram Rajabhat University’s Educational Production


  • Anak Charanyananda Musicology Department, College of Music, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Nakhonpathom


Education for music teachers, Multicultural music education


The purpose of this research was to investigate the education process and for music teachers and to analyze the educators’ current music teacher education paradigm.

The results of the research show that Buriram Rajabhat University is one of the main music teacher education institutes in the lower part of northeast Thailand. Most music teacher currently teaching in the mentioned region graduated from this institute. According to the university’s philosophy the educational process for music teachers reflects the music educators’ ideal of multicultural music education.

Recommendations from this study include collaboration between local educational units and the university music education department in order to establish local music learning centers. Knowledge Management Information technology should be employed in the music teacher education process. Music educators’ capability will be enhanced in all aspects, including teaching, supervising, and the use of educational media. Music educators’ worldview reflects music as a principle vital to many elements of life. People in the lower part of northeast Thailand should have a considerable role in music activities, including conserving, applying, creating, and criticizing music.





How to Cite

Charanyananda, A. (2012). Multicultural Music Teacher Education in the Context of Buriram Rajabhat University’s Educational Production. Fine Arts Journal: Srinakharinwirot University, 15(2), 84–92. retrieved from