The Rights and Freedoms of Inmates in prisons: The Perspective of a Social Worker


  • กฤตวรรณ สาหร่าย Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


Comparing the Corrections Act 2017 with Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it can be seen that most human needs can be met with steps 1-5, including physical needs, needs Security, desire for friendship and love, respect and fullness of life, but for inmates in prison, the needs of inmates are In steps 1-2 only, both of which are still limited in some areas, such as medical care that has limitations on personnel, housing, space is limited in a bed, and in stages 3- 5 It is difficult to do because of the limitations of imprisonment. Suggestions should be made to amend the law on the rights of inmates on the following 5 points: 1) The rights of inmates to contact relatives, prisons should be adjusted to visit relatives in various ways, in addition to visiting relatives at the prison, provided There is an interactive online communication room between inmates and family members to meet psychological needs.2) Providing a clinic for prisons counselling to screen inmates with stress, mental symptoms into the system for close monitoring 3) Prisons should provide a multidisciplinary team to rehabilitate and develop the behaviour of inmates, focusing on the change of mind and mind to lead to behaviour changes 4) Right of residence, the prison has limited sleeping space, the bed should be improved to reduce congestion  5) Occupational rights should be added to the law to establish a committee to seriously promote inmates' career and work in coordination with all sectors.




How to Cite

สาหร่าย ก. . . (2020). The Rights and Freedoms of Inmates in prisons: The Perspective of a Social Worker. Huachiew Chalermprakiet Law Journal, 11(1). retrieved from



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