The Right to Public Participation: Truth or Just a Motto on Thailand's Wildlife Reservation and Protection Law?
rights, public participation, wildlife, conservation, protectionAbstract
On May 29, 2019, there was a declaration of the Wildlife Preservation and Protection Act 2019, and the National Park Act 2019 to certify the right of the public participation in the public hearing in announcing wildlife protection areas, including wildlife sanctuaries, non-hunting areas, national parks, etc. However, the said right shall be in accordance with the law provided.
The study found that in both laws, it did not appear that the method provided by law gave people the right to participate in any way because there was no such provision in both the said laws come into force. By considering the wording of the two provisions, it could be seen that, the right of public participation was a mere mythology of a statute of law that only provides substantive rights that people can participate in wildlife conservation and protection. However, Procedural Rights did not appear to be clear how the public could participate or give opinions to the state to listen to opinions by means of. The myth that arose on such statutory provisions required the public to accept their role within the legislative content of limited rights.
Therefore, the said provisions for the recognition of the rights of the participation of the people should be amended and added to the protection of the rights of public participation in a clear and concrete process.
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