Government Policy Directions for the Reduction of Social Conflicts


  • wuthichai tengpongsthorn Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


Government Policy Directions Reduction of Social Conflicts


Conflicts is the natural things and occur in natural with the emergence of human society.

Conflict is both good and harmful, because conflict is one of the tools that motivate society to not become indolent and evolve over time, but on the other hand, this conflict must be at a reasonable level. 

The factors that caused the conflict were found in four different dimensions: Economic dimension,  Status dimension, Power relations dimension and Values ​​and Beliefs dimension. Therefore, to resolve this social conflicts, the states shall to set the policy direction for solving problems in all dimensions effectively.



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How to Cite

tengpongsthorn, wuthichai. (2021). Government Policy Directions for the Reduction of Social Conflicts. Huachiew Chalermprakiet Law Journal, 12(1), 164–180. Retrieved from



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