Problems and obstacles in enforcing organic law on national human right commission B.E. 2560 (A.D.2017)


  • ภาวินีย์ วงศ์นาป่า Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


This Research is a quantitative research, aiming to analyze the problems and obstacles  on governing Organic Law on Commission for National Human Rights B.E. 2560 (2017); collecting data from relevant research papers, using questionnaires as tools used in research; collecting data from the principle data providers in a specific manner; and analyzing data by textual analysis. According to the results of this Research, it has been found that the Organic Act on the National Human Rights Commission B.E. 2560 (2017)  stipulates that the Human Rights Commission is responsible for human rights, with the power to report violations of human rights and to file a complaint on behalf of the injured person, regarded as the injured person under the Criminal Procedure Code but does not have the power to investigate, inquire and prosecute cases of human rights violations and does not specify the scope of charges of human rights violation, therefore, causing human right protection mechanisms to be ineffective..




How to Cite

วงศ์นาป่า ภ. . (2021). Problems and obstacles in enforcing organic law on national human right commission B.E. 2560 (A.D.2017). Huachiew Chalermprakiet Law Journal, 11(2), 38–53. retrieved from



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